Become a member
Euro-BioImaging Finland is the only imaging-dedicated research infrastructure in Finland that offers the highest quality imaging services from the whole spectrum of imaging in a coordinated manner, for broad applications in nearly any discipline and including data analysis.
Euro-BioImaging Finland monitors the Finnish landscape for services from new or evolving facilities that could be included in the infrastructure. To qualify, an imaging service needs to be well established at the national level, fully open access and high quality, strategically complementary and non-overlapping with existing Euro-BioImaging Finland services, and with the potential to become a ratified service in Euro-BioImaging ERIC (requires approval by Euro-BioImaging ERIC SAB and Board.)
Candidate facilities are examined by Euro-BioImaging Finland leadership and approved by a Euro-BioImaging Finland general meeting.
More information:
Pasi Kankaanpää, Director, Euro-BioImaging Finland