Euro-BioImaging ERIC is a European-wide research infrastructure with a central mission of providing open-access to technologies in the field of biological and biomedical imaging to create a favorable environment for advancements in research within Europe and foster collaborations on the national and international levels. Currently, Euro-BioImaging has presence in 9 European countries including Finland services of which are available in 21 geographically-distributed Nodes including the Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node.
Euro-BioImaging open-access technologies are available to users in academia and industry, from Europe and beyond. As such Euro-BioImaging readily accepts applications to use its services. Applications can be submitted through Euro-BioImaging Web Portal.
Global BioImaging is an international network of imaging infrastructures and communities that spreads from North America to Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia and includes countries such as Canada, Mexico, South Africa, India, Singapore, Japan, Australia and many more.
Global BioImaging provides annual workshops for exchange of experience, international training courses for staff of imaging core facilities, and international job shadowing program.