Euro-BioImaging has been awarded a number of important Horizon Europe and other grants to provide funding for User Access at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. The researcher can apply for FREE SERVICES provided by the Finnish Advanced Microscopy (FiAM) Node in Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu. See below the information about currently available funding for user projects.
The canSERV Consortium announced the launch of Challenge-driven call to support cancer research projects:
The researchers can apply for FREE SERVICES at 28 Euro-BioImaging Nodes including Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node (FiAM). Within this canSERV call, FiAM offers open-access imaging technologies and expert services to academic, and SME users:
All external users even those from Finland are eligible to apply for FiAM services via the canSERV call. Projects applying for less than 3 services and with an overall budget of less than 15 000 euros, will be reviewed in fast-track.
Start your application by contacting the staff of the FiAM Node via to discuss a potential project, and inquire about imaging technologies, services, and the practicalities of the visit. In addition, visit the webpages of FiAM imaging core facilities.
More information on the currently open calls is here.
The ISIDORe is Horizon EU-funded project that provide FREE of charge access to imaging technologies and resources to support research on infectious diseases. The researchers can apply for FREE SERVICES at 19 Euro-BioImaging Nodes including Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node (FiAM):
Several ISIDORe TNA Calls for user projects are open (as long as funding remains available):
Start your application by contacting the staff of the FiAM Node via to discuss a potential project, and inquire about imaging technologies, services, and the practicalities of the visit. In addition, visit the webpages of FiAM imaging core facilities. Guideline on how to apply for ISIDORe funding to get FREE ACCESS to FiAM services can be found here. More information about ISIDORe project is here.