The Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node consisting of light and electron microscopy core facilities in Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu welcomes Global BioImaging international job shadowing applications. Job shadowing program offers a unique opportunity to learn behind the scenes operations of the core facilities, user access, quality assurance and management, state-of-the-art technologies, data management policies, and so forth. Job shadowing program at the Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node can take place at one or more locations (Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu) and can last up to two weeks. The Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node has extensive experience hosting job shadowing program participants. Video interviews of job shadowing applicants are available: Dr Santosh, Dr Wah Ing, and Dr Andrew Mehnert. For more information about Global BioImaging international job shadowing program, please visit:

Suvi Saarnio, a Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node representative at the University of Helsinki visited Turku Node. Suvi Saarnio’s visit began with the tour of core facilities in Turku Bioscience and Medisiina. Jouko Sandholm gave a tour of Cell Imaging and Cytometry core facility in Turku Bioscience. In the Medisiina, Markus Peurla provided a tour of the Medical Imaging Facility consisting of transmission electron microscope, spinning disk confocal microscope, and high throughput slide scanners. Following the tours, Suvi Saarnio discussed Euro-BioImaging user access, quality assurance and management, and training acitivities with Markku Saari and Gleb Grebnev.

Global BioImaging exchange of experience V workshop will be held on 8th and 9th of September 2020 in Okazaki, Japan. Venue: Okazaki Conference Centre Topic: Pre-publication image data: management and processing For more information, please keep an eye out on the Global BioImaging webpages.

Global BioImaging exchange of experience workshop held in 2019 in Singapore saw a strong representation of the Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node. Both the leader, John Eriksson, and the manager, Gleb Grebnev, of the Finnish Node were present at the workshop. John Eriksson gave a talk titled Common International Recommendations for Quality Management in Imaging Infrastructures as part of the working group that focused on Quality Management in Imaging Facilities. Gleb Grebnev attended the tour of the A*STAR Microscopy Platform, part of SingaScope consortium of imaging core facilities in Singapore. The tour was organized and delivered by Wah Ing Goh who also has visited Turku, Finland as part of her Global BioImaging international job shadowing program previously. More information on the workshop including workshop programme can be found here.

Microscopy and image analysis workshop is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa 13-17 January 2020. Imaging Africa consists of a four-day workshop followed by a one-day symposium hosted at the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine in Cape Town, South Africa. The objective of this workshop is to enhance the microscopy knowledge and applications of researchers throughout the African continent. Workshop registration:
