Special Symposium on Advanced Imaging Technologies in Helsinki A 3-day symposium covering advanced imaging technologies and methods in life sciences will take place in Helsinki, Finland during 4-6 March 2020. Dates: 04.03.2020 (pre-symposium workshop for Ph.D. students), 05.03.2020 – 06.03.2020 (symposium) Venue: Biocenter 2, Viikki Campus, University of Helsinki More information about the symposium can be found here: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/research/doctoral-education/doctoral-schools-and-programmes/doctoral-school-in-health-sciences/doctoral-programme-in-integrative-life-science/special-symposium-on-advanced-imaging-techniques-2020 Confirmed speakers:  Atomic force microscopy: Pasi Kankaanpää, Turku BioImaging Label free imaging: Clare Strachan, University of Helsinki Image analysis: Peter Horvath, University of Helsinki and University of Szeged, Hungary Single particle Cryo-EM: Juha Huiskonen, HiLIFE, Helsinki Cryo-ET and CLEM: Patrick Hoffmann (Kukulski-lab), MRC-LMB, Cambridge Volume EM: Christel Genoud, FMI, Basel Light-sheet microscopy: Johannes Girstmair (Tomancak-lab), MPI-CPG, Dresden Expansion microscopy: Teemu Ihalainen, BioMediTech, Tampere Euro-BioImaging services in Finland: Gleb Grebnev, Turku BioImaging Super-resolution microscopy, Susan Cox, Kings College London, UK High-throughput microscopy, Vilja Pietiäinen, FIMM, Helsinki Measuring cell-generated forces, Sari Tojkander, Veterinary Sciences,…

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Strategic Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node meeting took place in Helsinki. Partners of the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node have met in Helsinki on 23rd of January 2020 to discuss latest developments within the Euro-BioImaging Node in Finland, upcoming infrastructure needs, developments within bioimage informatics area, and so forth. mORE NEWS

New time and venue: Philip Hockberger of Northwestern University, Chicago, USA is delivering a talk on sustainability of core facilities. Philip Hockberger, Associate Vice President for Research in Northwestern University, Chicago, USA will deliver a talk on Building a Sustainable Portfolio of Core Facilities in Turku. 29 January 2020. 13:00 – 15:00. PharmaCity Auditorium 1. All are welcome to attend. No registration. mORE NEWS

Philip Hockberger, Associate Vice President for Research in Northwestern University, Chicago, USA will deliver a talk on Career Development in Core Facilities. 28 January 2020. 13:00 – 15:00. Biocity Turku, Mauno Koivisto Centre, Ministeri Hall. All are welcome to attend. No registration.

Academy of Finland grants FIRI funding to the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node. Academy of Finland (www.aka.fi) has granted FIRI 2019 proposal submitted by the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node. A total of € 2 660 000 will be granted to the Finnish Node over the period of 2020-2024. The funding will be used to enhance technological capabilities of imaging core facilities that are part of the Finnish Node in Helsinki (University of Helsinki), Turku (University of Turku & Åbo Akademi University), and Oulu (University of Oulu). The acquired instrument funding will provide unprecedented opportunities for researchers to make new discoveries in health and disease. As the partner of Euro-BioImaging ERIC research infrastructure, the Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node and its partners in Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu provide open access to imaging technologies to all national and international users from both academia and industry as well as providing a wide range of…

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Meeting of imaging core facilities of the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node took place in Helsinki, Finland. Members of imaging core facilities from University of Helsinki, University of Oulu, University of Turku, and Åbo Akademi University that make up the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node met in Helsinki to share latest updates and recent development from core units. Members of core facilities that make up the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node meet in Helsinki. Suvi Saarnio (bottom left), Viktor Raimi (top middle), Kimmo Tan­huan­pää (middle), Mikko Liljeström (top right), and Markku Saari (bottom right). Markku Saari represented Cell Imaging and Cytometry core facility in Turku, Suvi Saarnio represented Electron Microscopy Unit in Helsinki, Mikko Liljeström and Viktor Raimi represented Biomedicum Imaging Unit in Helsinki, and Kimmo Tan­huan­pää represented Light Microscopy Unit in Helsinki, and Veli-Pekka Ronkainen represented Biocenter Oulu imaging unit. Discussed topics included a communication platform for members of…

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A meeting of Euro-BioImaging Nodes providing biological imaging took place at EMBL Heidelberg on 8-9 October 2019. This meeting featured a series of flash talks from members of all participating Euro-BioImaging Nodes, a networking session, the description of Euro-BioImaging web portal by Euro-BioImaging team, and a panel discussion on how to integrate technology development and innovation in Euro-BioImaging Nodes. The Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node was represented by Gleb Grebnev and Markku Saari. Gleb Grebnev delivered a flash talk describing the structure, organization, and cutting-edge technologies that are offered by the Node.

BioImage Informatics Finland (BIIF) 2019 meeting took place in Tampere. The meeting was hosted by Pekka Ruusuvuori of Tampere University of Technology. The meeting covered a range of topics within the field of imaging and microscopy with a focus on bioimage informatics. Pasi Kankaanpää of Euro-BioImaging has presented a talk describing Euro-BioImaging, a European-wide research infrastructure offering open-access to state-of-the-art imaging technologies and training.

The Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node consisting of light and electron microscopy core facilities in Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu welcomes Global BioImaging international job shadowing applications. Job shadowing program offers a unique opportunity to learn behind the scenes operations of the core facilities, user access, quality assurance and management, state-of-the-art technologies, data management policies, and so forth. Job shadowing program at the Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node can take place at one or more locations (Helsinki, Turku, and Oulu) and can last up to two weeks. The Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node has extensive experience hosting job shadowing program participants. Video interviews of job shadowing applicants are available: Dr Santosh, Dr Wah Ing, and Dr Andrew Mehnert. For more information about Global BioImaging international job shadowing program, please visit: https://www.globalbioimaging.org/international-job-shadowing-program.

Suvi Saarnio, a Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node representative at the University of Helsinki visited Turku Node. Suvi Saarnio’s visit began with the tour of core facilities in Turku Bioscience and Medisiina. Jouko Sandholm gave a tour of Cell Imaging and Cytometry core facility in Turku Bioscience. In the Medisiina, Markus Peurla provided a tour of the Medical Imaging Facility consisting of transmission electron microscope, spinning disk confocal microscope, and high throughput slide scanners. Following the tours, Suvi Saarnio discussed Euro-BioImaging user access, quality assurance and management, and training acitivities with Markku Saari and Gleb Grebnev.
