Turku site of FiAM has been able to acquire a new instrument, the ONI nanoimager, that strengthens its focus on technologies in the field of super-resolution microscopy. This instrument allows quick and reliable single-molecule localization studies. Additionally, Turku has purchased the Hyperion Imaging mass cytometry system, which combines immunohistochemistry (metal ions coupled antibodies and markers) with mass cytometry, to rebuild an image of tissue sections or stained cells on a microscopic slide. This technology adds spatial imaging to our technology portfolio which was not available in FiAM Node. These new technologies are located at the Cell Imaging and Cytometry Core in Turku. This facility is part of FiAM and most of its other high-end instruments are already available to Euro-BioImaging users. All these new technologies complement the multimodal technology offer of FiAM excellently and have been requested both by local and outside users, and we believe they will greatly benefit…

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