Euro-BioImaging Finland is the Finnish service organization for Euro-BioImaging, offering academic and industrial researchers open access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies, services and training, through two multi-sited Nodes: Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node (FiAM) and Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI). Euro-BioImaging Finland is a national roadmap infrastructure, coordinated by Turku BioImaging.
Euro-BioImaging Finland website
The Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI) is a Euro-BioImaging Node in Finland that is a multimodal and multi-sited research infrastructure. It specializes in providing in vivo imaging technologies and services accessible in Espoo, Helsinki, Kuopio, and Turku. Through FiBI, the most advanced spearhead medical imaging services in Finland are available to all Euro-BioImaging users. FiBI is one of the two nodes of Euro-BioImaging Finland.
Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node website
Biocenter Finland is a distributed nation-wide life science research infrastructure of Biocenters hosted by six universities in Helsinki, Turku, Oulu, Tampere, Kuopio and Joensuu. Biocenter Finland provides infrastructure services through numerous platforms, one of which is the National Biological Imaging Infrastructure, which offers open access light and electron microscopy services for national use across Finland. Euro-BioImaging Finland, and in particular its Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node, closely collaborates with Biocenter Finland Biological Imaging Infrastructure. The most advanced spearhead services of the latter are offered for international access through Euro-BioImaging Finland.
Biocenter Finland website
ELIXIR Finland provides authentication and authorization infrastructure (ELIXIR AAI), service to manage data access applications and access rights to sensitive datasets (AAI-REMS), analysis software and cloud services. Euro-BioImaging Finland closely collaborates with Elixir Finland in the development of services related to image data.
Elixir Finland website