Turku PET Centre neuroscientists and Human Emotion Systems Laboratory will organize a hybrid, free of charge PET-MRI neuroimaging course in September 19th -21st 2022. This course will give a hands-on overview on the basic brain imaging analysis techniques applicable to PET as well as structural and functional MRI data. The course is aimed at PhD students, post-docs, and scientists working on medical, cognitive, and computational neuroimaging. Participants are assumed to have rudimentary knowledge of human brain anatomy and function, neuroimaging, and working with PET and MRI data, but this is not strictly necessary. After the course, the participants should be able to independently process and analyse the data that has been retrieved from PET camera / MRI scanner.
All lectures will be held on site in University of Turku lecture hall PUB2 (Publicum building). Lectures will also be streamed live using Echo360 platform. Lectures will be stored permanently and they can also be viewed afterwards.
Find more information, the course schedule, and registration form here: https://emotion.utu.fi/neurocourse/