Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node – Annual Report 2022

Welcome to the fourth annual In Vivo Animal Imaging: Methods and Applications minisymposium and course on December 7th 2022 – January 13th 2023, organized by the Helsinki In Vivo Imaging Platform and Doctoral Programmes in Biomedicine & Chemistry and Molecular Sciences at the University of Helsinki! The Zoom webinars in the minisymposium are open to all without registration, and include several talks from invited international speakers focusing on recent and scientifically exciting applications of a range of in vivo imaging modalities. This year we will be covering topics within cancer & metastasis, immunology, neurobiology and drug transport in the cerebrospinal fluid. For students & other researchers new to subject, the course will also cover the principles of in vivo animal imaging modalities including intravital microscopy, optical small animal imaging, microCT and PET/SPECT/CT, with the aim of opening up the field of in vivo animal imaging and its use in pre-clinical research applications for those who might benefit from…

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Traditional Turku PET Symposium ( , #TurkuPET2022) brought more than 200 PET enthusiasts to Turku, Finland, in the beginning of June 2022 to share the latest advancements in all the fields of PET research and to enjoy Finnish summer in great company. The first Turku PET Symposium was organised in 1977 so this meeting already has a tradition of over 40 years. The scientific program of the symposium covered the whole field from cyclotrons and radiochemistry to preclinical and clinical applications of PET together with multimodality imaging. Attendees got to listen to insightful plenary lectures given by international leaders of each field, and discuss over free papers and posters with wide range of experts. Future prospects of PET were also thoroughly discussed during the days. Professor Terry Jones, one of the great pioneers of PET, gave a fascinating talk about the future of PET instrumentation. As a fun fact,…

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Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra, the new generation total-body PET scanner has been introduced at Turku PET Centre. The revolutionary feature of the new device is that it scans everything that is happening in the body at once and it instantly registers what is happening in the system at the time of imaging, says the Director of the PET Centre, Professor Juhani Knuuti. Up until today, it has not been possible to obtain a full-body image at one go, as the traditional PET scanners have only been able to scan 20-25 cm slices of the subject at a time. “Now we are able to see how all the organs interact with each other at the time of scanning. When we scan the heart of a coronary artery disease patient, for the very first time, we can simultaneously see what is happening in the brain,” Knuuti explains. The new scanner is used for…

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Advanced Magnetic Imaging (AMI) Centre at Aalto University ( was inaugurated 20 years ago in 2002 and now it is time to celebrate and recollect some memories and achievements gathered over the years! AMI Centre houses a research-dedicated 3T-MRI scanner, develops and maintains the related infrastructure and offers neuroimaging services and expertise to research teams all over the world. Measurements at AMI Centre include for example functional and structural brain imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. In addition, AMI Centre develops new methods and applications of MRI technology. Join the online celebration on Wednesday May 11 at 9:00(-11:00) in Zoom: No registration needed. Three key people from AMI Centre’s past, Raimo Sepponen, Riitta Hari and Simo Vanni, will share their thoughts and give a presentation of different eras of the past of MRI and AMI Centre. The speakers have all played a crucial role in building AMI Centre to what…

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Turku PET Centre neuroscientists and Human Emotion Systems Laboratory will organize a hybrid, free of charge PET-MRI neuroimaging course in September 19th -21st 2022. This course will give a hands-on overview on the basic brain imaging analysis techniques applicable to PET as well as structural and functional MRI data. The course is aimed at PhD students, post-docs, and scientists working on medical, cognitive, and computational neuroimaging. Participants are assumed to have rudimentary knowledge of human brain anatomy and function, neuroimaging, and working with PET and MRI data, but this is not strictly necessary. After the course, the participants should be able to independently process and analyse the data that has been retrieved from PET camera / MRI scanner. All lectures will be held on site in University of Turku lecture hall PUB2 (Publicum building). Lectures will also be streamed live using Echo360 platform. Lectures will be stored permanently and they…

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Introduction Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node (FiBI; is a distributed national research infrastructure comprising of the four leading Finnish in vivo imaging units: Turku PET Centre (TPC;, Kuopio Biomedical Imaging Unit (BIU;, NEUROIMAGING Research Infrastructure (NI;, and Helsinki In vivo Animal Imaging Platform (HAIP; FiBI was accepted as a service-providing Node of Euro-BioImaging ERIC in November 2020, making 2021 the FiBI’s first operational year as a Euro-BioImaging Node. The partner units are hosted by five universities (Aalto University, AU; University of Eastern Finland, UEF; University of Helsinki, UH; University of Turku, UTU; and Åbo Akademy University, ÅAU) and three university hospitals (Helsinki University Hospital, HUH; Kuopio University Hospital, KUH; and Turku University Hospital, TUH). The partners of FiBI have agreed on the responsibilities and division of tasks with a partnership agreement, which is currently under legal preparation. The official Service Level Agreement between Euro-BioImaging ERIC and…

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The 19th Kuopio bio-MRI workshop and post-graduate course: Advanced MRI methods for assessment of microstructure, metabolism and function. May 31 – June 2, 2022 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is still the most rapidly evolving in vivo imaging modality. This 3-day workshop/course introduces cutting-edge techniques in microstructural, metabolic and functional imaging, with each of the three days dedicated to one of these focus areas. The course will be organized in hybrid format and will consist of 1. Educational lectures in the mornings (Biomedical Imaging Unit staff + invited international speakers) 2. Hands-on demonstrations in the early afternoons (BIU staff). For those not able to attend hands-on demonstrations, video material will be provided with similar content. 3. Scientific sessions with talks from invited international speakers and from participants selected based on submitted abstracts. Find the program and more information here: Deadline for registration is Monday May 16th, 2022. Registration form here.…

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Turku PET Centre, part of the Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node, is organizing Turku PET Symposium, which will be held onsite in Turku, Finland, in June 3–6, 2022. The Symposium is targeted to all investigators and staff working with cyclotrons, PET radiochemistry, modelling and software development, as well as preclinical and clinical PET imaging. The attendance should be particularly useful to those who are new to the field, or want to broaden their understanding of the rapidly developing research and clinical applications of PET. The first Turku PET Symposium was organised already in 1977, so this meeting has a tradition of over 40 years. The program covers the whole field from cyclotrons and radiochemistry, to preclinical and clinical applications of PET together with multimodality imaging. The scientific program consists of plenary lectures given by international leaders of each field, free papers, and posters. In addition, there will be special sessions for…

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Turku PET Centre has been awarded 5 million € support from Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for the purchase of the latest generation full body PET/CT scanner. The new scanner is able to scan the whole body at one go instead of 20-25 cm slices like the traditional PET scanners. This is a transformative advantage because it makes it possible to examine what is happening simultaneously in brain, heart, liver, and other organs in the abdomen. For biomedical research, it opens up completely new horizons in understanding the interactions between different body parts and how the human body functions as a whole. With rapid scanning times, lower radiation doses, and extremely high sensitivity and clearer images, the new scanner is also set to revolutionize patient care. “We are thrilled about having the new generation PET scanner among the first centers in the world! It is a significant investment to Finnish biomedical research and I’m sure that…

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