CytoData symposium and hackathon brings together researchers interested in image-based profiling of biological phenotypes. The symposium including workshops, presentations and a poster session is scheduled for the first two days of the event (Oct 23-24) followed by a hackathon for developers during the last two days of the event (Oct 25-26). The themes of the symposium are Single-cell profiling and Spatial profiling. CytoData 2023 is the annual event of the CytoData Society hosted by Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of Helsnki and University of Turku. Symposium Dates & Venue: October 23-24, 2023. University of Helsinki City Center Campus, Main Building Hackaton Dates & Venue: October 25-26, 2023. University of Helsinki Meilahti Campus in the Biomedicum complex. Confirmed speakers Anne Carpenter, Broad Institute Berend Snijder, ETH Zurich Leeat Keren, Weizmann Institute of Science Loïc Royer, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Wei Ouyang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Symposium Chairs Lassi Paavolainen, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), University of…

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The second meeting of the Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) network will take place at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark at August 22-25, 2023. The aim of the meeting is to bring together scientists who develop or utilize biological imaging methods, the Nordic imaging core facilities, and representatives of industry to discuss projects and present the latest imaging technologies and processing methods. List of exciting topics and distinguished invited speakers includes: Super resolution microscopy, Christian Eggeling (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) Spatial transcriptomics, Kim Thrane (KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm) and Sinem Saka (EMBL) Electron Micoscopy and Correlative imaging, Christel Genoud (University of Lausanne) and Judith Klumpermann (UMC, Utrecht), SRS and Raman imaging, Andreas Zumbusch (University of Konstanz) and Val Brunton (University of Edinburgh) Light sheet microscopy, Jan Huisken (Georg-August-University Göttingen). Image analysis, Jon Sporring (University of Copenhagen). Registration and more information can be found here Venue: Univerity of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark Dates: August…

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Euro-BioImaging Nodes were gathering for their first in-person All Hands Nodes Meeting 2023 at EMBL in Heidelberg, April 17-19. There was great opportunity to know more about the Euro-BioImaging family with the presentations and poster sessions from Nodes and partner organizations. Our Finnish Advanced Microscopy (FiAM) Node was presented by Jiri Funda and Dado Tokic. It was a very nice meeting with the opportunities for discussion and networking. Looking forward to next meeting in Torino!

The Field of View Research Program, Turku BioImaging and Cell Imaging and Cytometry Core jointly organize the workshop “FROM IMAGE ACQUISITION TO ANALYSIS AND DATA STORAGE: available resources and good practices” on Wednesday 29.3. at 14:00 in BioCity Turku.  At the workshop, you will learn how to navigate in the complex landscape of bioimaging techniques and how to properly execute all the steps of imaging workflow from image acquisition to data management. In addition, after the workshop, you will be familiar with the available resources at Cell Imaging and Cytometry Core and Turku BioImaging facilities and will know the responsible persons in the facilities. Please register latest by 21.03.23 here: When: March 29th at 14:10 Where: BioCity Turku, Tykistökatu 6A, Turku

Biomedicum Imaging Unit, Helsinki BioImaging organizes “Light Microscopy: From Basics to Advanced” course in February 2023. On-site lectures  09.02. – 10.02.2023 + demonstrations 13.02. – 17.2.2023 After completing this course the students should be able to explain the basic principles of light microscopy and microscopic image acquisition understand the most important steps of sample preparation for microscopy compare and contrast transmitted light and fluorescence methods compare and contrast widefield and optical sectioning microscopy methods know some basic and advanced research applications for the microscopy methods covered evaluate the suitability of covered microscopy methods for different research applications Detailed course content can be found here: Lectures are open for everyone. Register here by 31.01.23: When: February 9th-17th, 2023 Where: Biomedicum, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki

Turku BioImaging Image Data Team is organizing an Image Analysis Basics Course in 2023. This course will be organized in-person course with lectures and hands-on exercises mixed. Course Description: Image analysis course Feb-March 2023 Session 1 (24.2 / Pasi Kankaanpää): Friday 9-12 Basic concepts Session 2 (1.3 / Joanna Pylvänäinen): Wednesday 13-16 Image handling using Fiji Session 3 (3.3/ Junel Solis): Friday 9-12 Concepts and Hands-on exercises for segmentation, filters, particle analysis (shape and/or intensity analysis). Register here:

3rd BioImage Informatics Finland symposium is organized by Helsinki Bioimaging at Biomedicum, Helsinki, Nov 14th 2022. The symposium brings together researchers and facility personnel working with analysis of microscopy images of cells and tissues to discuss the latest developments in bioimage informatics. The program includes four sessions focusing on applications, methods, software tools, and analysis services. After symposium dinner will be organized at participants own expense. The symposium is free but registration is required. The lecture hall holds room for 60 participants so we wish everyone who registers to also be present at the symposium. If you have registered but are unable to attend, please let the organizers know so that we can make room for other participants. For any inquiries, please contact Lassi Paavolainen ( Registration deadline: November 6th, 2022 More information about the symposium can be found here: When: November 14th, 2022Where: Biomedicum,  sh.1-2 (bottom floor), Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki

Turku site of FiAM has been able to acquire a new instrument, the ONI nanoimager, that strengthens its focus on technologies in the field of super-resolution microscopy. This instrument allows quick and reliable single-molecule localization studies. Additionally, Turku has purchased the Hyperion Imaging mass cytometry system, which combines immunohistochemistry (metal ions coupled antibodies and markers) with mass cytometry, to rebuild an image of tissue sections or stained cells on a microscopic slide. This technology adds spatial imaging to our technology portfolio which was not available in FiAM Node. These new technologies are located at the Cell Imaging and Cytometry Core in Turku. This facility is part of FiAM and most of its other high-end instruments are already available to Euro-BioImaging users. All these new technologies complement the multimodal technology offer of FiAM excellently and have been requested both by local and outside users, and we believe they will greatly benefit…

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The 21st International European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) meeting had a comeback in 2022 as an in-person meeting held in Turku, Finland (7-10 June 2022). ELMI 2022 was organized by Turku BioImaging, in collaboration with the Medical Faculty of the University of Turku, Euro-BioImaging Finland and Turku Bioscience. ELMI 2022 was a hybrid event, and a subset of the program, including the scientific presentation, was also available online. ELMI 2022 had over 500 participants, of which over 400 on site, and a very active program of talks, workshops, exhibition booths, poster presentations, discussions and social events. ELMI 2022 brought latest updates on the latest light microscopy developments, research, techniques, and instrumentation. During the morning sessions, international leaders were giving plenary lectures, while during the afternoon sessions, company workshops provided demos of the latest microscopy techniques and instruments. ELMI 2022 continued the successful tradition of bringing together microscopy users, developers, core facility staff,…

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